Next ERC Advisory Board Meeting
The ERC Advisory Board meets approximately every quarter a year. The December date for the next quarterly ERC Advisory Board meeting will be December 19th from 1-4 pm. ERC proposals, additional data requests, and extension requests should be submitted to Celeste Alexander no later than Friday, November 1, 2024. Proposals can be submitted here.
Due to limits on the number of proposals that are allowed to go before the board for each meeting, the earlier you submit your proposal, the higher the probability of your proposal going forward.
Policies and Procedures Update
Recent changes have been made to the policies and procedures at the Texas ERC. Review the Policies & Procedures: General Information when preparing a proposal.
SLDS Spotlight: Texas’s Education Research Centers
Statewide Longitudinal Data Systems article about the various ERCs in Texas, May 2017.
Q&A with Dr. Pedro Reyes
Dr. Pedro Reyes, a professor for the Department of Educational Administration and the primary investigator for the Texas ERC, recently interviewed with the Texas Tribune on issues related to public education. Read more >
PhD Student’s Research Featured in The Washington Post
UT PhD student Jeff Denning’s research on the issue of community-college tuition and its effect on enrollment is featured in the Washington Post. Read more >
What works in education?
Researchers seek answers in huge data sets. Read more >