ERC Proj No. | THECB No. | Texas ERC Project Full Name (Click Project Name to see available policy brief) | Project Abbreviated Name | Institution/ Organization | Original Approval Date |
25 | 040UTA | Assessing the Role of School Discipline in Disproportionate Minority Contact with the Juvenile Justice System | Discipline | Texas A&M | 9.24.14 |
92 | 099UTA | Impact Analysis of Local Scholarship Dollars: Innovating Financial Incentives for College Readiness, Enrollment, & Completion | Incentives | UT | 3.8.18 |
97 | 105UTA | Building Future Engineers in Texas: The Efficacy of the Project Lead the Way | Lead The Way | TX State & UT Tyler | 6.7.18 |
107 | 116UTA | Understanding the Causes & Consequences of Ability Tracking | Tracking | UT Austin | 3.7.19 |
110 | --- | ERC LANL Texas Prospect Initiative (Education & Learning Analytics Project) | LANL | UT & LANL | 2.6.19 |
112 | 120UTA | New Foundation High School Program in Texas: the Impact of Students’ Endorsement Completion on Postsecondary Preparation and Success | Endorse | UT Arlington | 6.6.19 |
118 | 127UTA | Expanding Pathways in Computing (EPIC) Brief 1 | Brief 2 | Brief 3 | Brief 4 | EPIC | UT Austin TACC | 9.5.19 |
120 | 129UTA | Measuring the Consequences of Justice Involvement | Justice | UT Austin COLA | 9.5.19 |
124 | 133UTA | Getting Through the Gateway: Can Corequisite Math Improve Progress and Degree Attainment among Students Requiring Remediation? | Gateway | UT Austin ELP/COE | 12.5.19 |
127 | 136UTA | Educational Profile of Central Texas (EPCTX) | EPCTX | E3A | 12.5.19 |
130 | 139UTA | The Role of Family Structure in the Development of Human Capital | Family | UT Austin | 3.5.20 |
133 | 143UTA | Lead Exposure, Human Capital Formation, And Inequality: The Impacts Of Lead On Long-Run Educational And Labor Market Outcomes | Lead Impact | "UT LBJ Dissertation" | 3.5.20 |
138 | --- | Community College Workforce Education Landscape Study: Multistate Study of Noncredit Education in Community Colleges | Noncredit | Univ of Michigan (Directive) | 9.3.20 |
140 | 147UTA | The Effect of Grad PLUS Loans on Graduate School Outcomes, Earnings, and Programs | PLUS | Columbia Univ BYU Vanderbilt Univ | 12.10.20 |
143 | 150UTA | A School Like Mine: Investigating the Influence of Geographic and Demographic Congruence on New Teachers' Career Trajectories in Texas | Trajectories | UNT/Univ of Penn | 3.11.21 |
144 | 152UTA | Youth Substance Use and Recovery School Attendance: Short and Long Term Consequences | Recovery | UT (Economics student) Dissertation | 3.11.21 |
147 | 155UTA | Dual Enrollment Equity Pathways (DEEP): Transforming Pathways to College Success for nderserved Students | DEEP | UT Austin ELP/COE | 6.10.21 |
150 | 158UTA | Pathways to Educational Success: Using Integrated Data to Improve Educational Outcomes for Students with a History of Foster Care | Pathways | UTSA | 6.10.21 |
154 | 162UTA | The Short-term and Long-term Impact of Higher Education Faculty | IHEF | Harvard | 6.10.21 |
155 | 163UTA | Early-Life Determinants of Later-Life Incarceration among Texas Public School Students | Incarceration | UT (Economics student) Dissertation | 6.10.21 |
166 | 166UTA | The Effect of Driving While Intoxicated on Students’ Education and Labor Market Outcomes | DWI | UT (Economics Prof) & BYU | 9.16.21 |
171 | 171UTA | Texas High School Graduation Requirements: Tracking the Endorsements | Graduation | UT ELP Dissertation | 9.16.21 |
174 | 174UTA | Can Districts Grow Their Own Diverse Supply of Teachers? Evidence from Texas | GTO | Brown University | 12.14.21 |
175 | 175UTA | Using Item Response Data to Better Represent and Understand Student Learning | Response | Brown University NYU U of Chicago | 12.14.21 |
176 | 176UTA | The Effect of Education on Non-Pecuniary Outcomes | EENPO | UT (Economics Prof) & BYU | 12.14.21 |
178 | 178UTA | Analysis of the State of Dual Enrollment in Texas | Dual | AIR | 12.14.21 |
179 | 179UTA | Can Better Information Reduce College Undermatch? Future Earnings Value-Added as an Imperfectly Observed Attribute | Undermatch | UT (Economics student) Dissertation | 2.10.22 |
181 | 181UTA | Differential Effects of Special Education Among Students with Low and High Levels of Disabilities in Texas | Differential | UT (Economics student) Dissertation | 2.10.22 |
182 | 182UTA | Educator Retention and UTeach Blended Learning Professional Development | Blended | UT ELP & UTeach Blended Learning | 2.10.22 |
184 | 184UTA | The Causal Effect of ECHS Openings in Texas | ECHS | UT (Economics student) Dissertation | 2.10.22 |
185 | 185UTA | Disproportionate Effect of Natural Disasters on Later-Life Outcomes | Disasters | UT (Economics student) Dissertation | 3.10.22 |
187 | 187UTA | Relieving Financial Burden: Advanced Placement Courses Job Resilience at the Time of Shocks | Burden | UT (Economics student) Dissertation | 3.10.22 |
188 | 188UTA | Evaluating Support for Texas Opportunity Youth (OY) | OY | UT Austin | 3.10.22 |
189 | 189UTA | How Do Charter Schools Impact Outcomes for English Learners? | CharterELL | University of Oklahoma | 6.9.22 |
191 | 191UTA | Air Pollution and Student Learning | Pollution | American University New York University | 6.9.22 |
190 | 190UTA | Can Recommended Course Sequence Reforms Facilitate Transfer Student Success? | Sequence | UT Austin | 6.9.22 |
192 | 192UTA | Understanding the Short- and Long-Term Effects of Exposure to Industrial Waste and Toxic Pollution | Waste | UT Austin | 6.9.22 |
193 | 193UTA | The Effects of Remote Learning During the COVID-19 Pandemic on Student Mental Health | Remote | Univ of South Florida Baylor Medicine | 6.9.22 |
194 | 194UTA | Understanding and Bridging Systemic Gaps in Student Learning and Outcomes | Gaps | Brown University | 6.9.22 |
197 | 197UTA | Understanding the Short- and Long-Term Effects of School- and Community-Based Health Care Resources on Student Outcomes | SBHC | UT ECON | 9.15.22 |
198 | 198UTA | Assessing the Postsecondary and Labor Market Outcomes of NAF Alumni and the Impact of Participation in a NAF Academy | NAF | AIR & NAF | 9.15.22 |
199 | 199UTA | Postsecondary Enrollment in Times of Crisis: Exploring Demographic, Academic, Financial, and Institutional Mechanisms | Enrollment | UT ECON | 12.15.22 |
200 | 200UTA | Analysis of the Financial Aid Application Graduation Requirement in Texas | AID | AIR | 12.15.22 |
201 | 201UTA | The Picture of Master of Public Health Programs in Texas: Demographic Profile, Educational Attainment, and Labor Market Outcomes | Master | UT San Antonio | 12.15.22 |
202 | 202UTA | Examining the Long-Term Effects of a Growth Mindset Intervention Among Texas Students: Extension of the National Study of Learning Mindsets - | Mindset | UT Austin | 12.15.22 |
204 | 204UTA | Understanding Heterogeneity in the Returns to College Attendance | HCA | Uchicago | 12.15.22 |
205 | 205UTA | The Impacts of Secure Communities on Education and Employment Outcomes | Secure | UT ECON | 12.15.22 |
206 | 206UTA | Understanding the short- and Long-Term Effects of Policies Related to Sexual Outcomes, Reproductive Health, and Childbearing on Student Outcomes | Behavior | UT (Economics student) | 3.1.23 |
207 | 207UTA | The Impact of Schools on Students' Social Capital and Economic Mobility | SSCE | Harvard University | 3.1.23 |
209 | 209UTA | Disaggregating the Effects of Grant Aid: Implications for the Consequences of Merit Standards | TXG | Uchicago | 3.23.23 |
210 | 210UTA | Advanced Courses, Tracking, and Educational Equity | Courses | UCLA University | 3.23.23 |
211 | 211UTA | What Determines the Impact of Dual Credit? Understanding Coursework Offerings, Teaching Context, and Outcomes | Credit | UNI Washington | 3.23.23 |
212 | 212UTA | How Do College Courses Affect Students’ Post-Graduation Opportunities? | Opportunity | Stanford University | 3.23.23 |
213 | 213UTA | How Does Immigration affect the Short and Long-term Academic and Labor Outcomes of U.S.-born Students? – Antonia Vazquez | Immigration | LBJ | 3.23.23 |
214 | 214UTA | Understanding the Relationship between Personalized Learning Platform Usage and Student Academic Achievement in Texas | Learn | Edmentum & HumRRO | 6.15.23 |
215 | 215UTA | Gearing Up in Texas - Examining Long-Term Outcomes of Central Texas Gear Up Participants | GearUP | UT Austin | 6.15.23 |
216 | 216UTA | Effect of School Accountability Pressure on Students in Special Education | Pressure | UT Austin ECON | 6.15.23 |
218 | 218UTA | Examining Magnet Program Expansions on Students, School, and Residential Outcomes in Texas | Magnet | Cornell University | 6.15.23 |
219 | 219UTA | Test Items and Long-Run Outcomes | Test | UT San Antonio | 6.15.23 |
220 | 220UTA | Using Teacher Education Program Data to Predict Effectiveness and Retention Among Early-Career K-12 Teachers in Texas – | Predict | Texas A&M University & University of Virginia | 6.15.23 |
221 | 221UTA | Determining Participation in Secondary Advanced Academics in Texas | Advanced | UT Austin | 9.21.23 |
222 | 222UTA | For-profit Colleges and the Sources of Undermatching | Profit | UT Austin | 9.21.23 |
223 | 223UTA | Improving Economic Opportunity in High Poverty Schools | IHIP | Harvard University | 9.21.23 |
224 | 224UTA | The Educational Consequences of Air Pollution | AIRP | The Ohio State University Indiana University Bloomington | 9.21.23 |
225 | 225UTA | Student Outcomes in Texas before and after the Pandemic in Relation to Evolving Teacher Preparation Policies | Outcomes (ETPP) | UT Austin | 9.21.23 |
226 | 226UTA | Learning the Major: The Value of Exploratory Course-taking on College Major Choice | Major | University of Michigan | 11.1.23 |
227 | 227UTA | The Effect of Decriminalizing Student Discipline on Education, Labor Market and Criminality Outcomes | DECRI | UT Austin - ECON | 11.1.23 |
228 | 228UTA | The Value of Non-Calculus High School Mathematics Pathways in Shaping Students’ Postsecondary Education and Employment Outcomes | Value | UT Austin | 11.1.23 |
229 | 229UTA | Effects of Relaxing Fiscal Constraints on Student Outcomes | Relax | UT Austin | 11.1.23 |
230 | 230UTA | Beyond the ABCs of IBCs: A Mixed-Methods and Longitudinal Examination of Industry-Based Certifications in Texas | Beyond | UT Austin | 12.14.23 |
231 | 231UTA | Access to Frontier Knowledge in College and Labor Market Success | Access | Yale University | 12.14.23 |
232 | 232UTA | Impact of Congenital Heart Disease on Academic Achievement and Employment | Impact | Dell Medical School UT Austin | 12.14.23 |
233 | 233UTA | Good Jobs and Great Cities: San Antonio's Ready to Work Initiative | Work | UTSA | 12.14.23 |
234 | 234UTA | The Relationship Between Texas High School Campus Ratings and Post-Secondary Student Success | Success | University of Mary Hardin-Baylor | 3.21.24 |
235 | 235UTA | Gates Focus Mathematics: Texas | Math | AIR | 3.21.24 |
237 | 237UTA | Study of the Impact of English Learner Entrance and Exit Policies | English | Westat | 3.21.24 |
238 | 238UTA | Addressing the (In)Visibility of Asian American Teachers | Teachers | UT Austin | 3.21.24 |
241 | 241UTA | Disparity by Design: Exploring Stratification in Graduate Education | Graduate | UT Austin | 5.9.24 |
242 | 242UTA | Dual-Language, Dual-Benefit? Estimating the Effects of Dual-Language Immersion Programs in Texas | Dual Language | University of California, Berkeley | 5.9.24 |
256 | 256 | Dual-Credit Dosage Design: Components, Predictors, and Relationships with Postsecondary Outcomes | Design | UT Austin | 12.19.24 |