ERC Proj # | THECB # | Texas ERC Project Name (Click Project Name to see available policy brief) | Project Abbreviated Name | Institution/ Organization | Approval Date |
1 | 022UTA | Workforce Data Quality Initiative Brief 1 | Brief 2 | Brief 3 | Brief 4 | WDQI | UT Austin | 12.9.2013 |
2 | 024UTA | Research and Evaluation in Support of the Central Texas Region's Blueprint for Educational Change | E3 | E3 | 12.9.2013 |
3 | 025UTA | The Effects of Teacher Pay Policies on Teacher Quality | Teacher Pay | U of Tulsa & U of Maryland | 12.9.2013 |
4 | 026UTA | RGV-LEAD | RGV-LEAD | UT ERC | 12.9.2013 |
5 | 023UTA | The Effect of the Policy of School Reconstitution on Student Achievement in Texas | Dissertation - Cumpton | UT Austin | 12.9.2013 |
6 | 027UTA | State-specific Design Parameters for Designing Better Evaluation Studies | State Parameters | Univ of California | 1.27.2014 |
7 | 028UTA | Investigating the Effectiveness of Inclusive STEM High Schools | iSTEM | SRI International | 1.27.2014 |
8 | 029UTA | Texas Hispanic STEM Key Indicator Pathway Study | HispanicSTEM | SEDL/AIR | 1.27.2014 |
9 | 030UTA | Understanding and Improving Institutional Arrangements that Effect the Parent School Relationship... | United Way | UT Austin | 1.27.2014 |
10 | --- | The Effects of Need & Merit Grant Aid on Graduation Rates: Regression Discontinuity | Grant Aid | UTSA | 1.27.2014 |
11 | 032UTA | Student Outcomes for Graduates of UTeach | UTeach | UT Austin - CNS | 1.27.14 |
12 | 031UTA | Analysis of the Move Toward Integrated Reading and Writing Coursework in Texas Community Colleges | IntCrsWrk | Texas State Univ | 1.27.2014 |
13 | 033UTA | Texas Reverse Transfer Initiative | Reverse Transfer | UT Austin | 1.27.2014 |
14 | Teacher Quality Study in Texas | Teacher Quality | UT Austin | N/A Directive | |
15 | SB2 Charter | SB2 | SB2 | N/A Directive | |
16 | 037UTA | Dual-Credit Courses' Impact on High School Students College Success | OnRamps | UT Austin - Center for Teaching & Learning | 5.21.14 |
17 | 038UTA | Academic Achievement Outcomes of Latino English-Language-Learners in Texas | Dissertation - Ren | UT Austin | 5.21.2014 |
18 | 039UTA | The Supply, Demand and Effects of High School Counselors in Texas | Counselor Study | UT Austin | 5.21.2014 |
19 | 036UTA | Evaluate the Impact of 21st Century Community Learning Centers | 21st Century | Edvance Research | 5.21.2014 |
20 | 035UTA | The Long-Run Impact of Texas Charter Schools on Non-Test Score Outcomes Charter Schools and Labor Market Outcomes | Charter Schools | Princeton & Harvard | 5.21.14 |
21 | 034UTA | Broadening Pathways to College Access and Beyond | BPCAB | UT Austin - Economics | 5.21.14 |
22 | The Path to Timely Completion: Supply- and Demand-Side Analyses of Time to Bachelor’s Degree | Dissertation - Cullinane | UT Austin | N/A Directive | |
23 | AVID -Work-Study Mentorship project THECB approved | AVID | UT Austin/UNT | N/A Directive | |
24 | 043UTA | Evaluating Teacher Preparation Programs in Texas | Teacher Prep | Texas State Univ | 9.24.2014 |
26 | 044UTA | UT: School-to-Work Transitions and Labor Market Assessment of Texas Populations from Colonias and Model Subdivisions | School to Work | UT Austin - Economics | 9.24.2014 |
27 | 042UTA | School Closure as Forced Mobility: Assessing the Effects of School Closure and Reassignment on the Educational Trajectories of Displaced Students | School Closure | SMU & UT Austin | 9.24.2014 |
28 | 041UTA | Financing Hope: The Impact of State and Institutional Financial Aid on Undocumented Student Persistence and Success in Texas | Dissertation - Rodriguez | UT Austin | 9.24.2014 |
31 | 047UTA | A Missing Piece of the School Improvement Puzzle? Understanding the Relationship Between Organizational Instability and Organizational Social Capital | Teacher Turnover | UT Austin - Educ Admin | 1.20.2015 |
32 | 050UTA | Understanding College-Going: What, Where, and Why? Brief 1 | Brief 2 | WWW | UT Austin - Economics | 3.26.15 |
34 | HB5 AIR/SEDL Brief 1 | Brief 2 | HB5AIR | SEDL/AIR | N/A Directive | |
35 | 053UTA | School spending and Student Outcomes: Evidence from Robin Hood and Tax Abatements | Robin Hood | UT Austin - Economics | 6.9.2015 |
36 | 054UTA | Postsecondary and Labor Market Outcomes for Migrant Students in the Texas Migrant Education | Dissertation - Malinowska | UT Austin - ELP | 6.9.15 |
37 | 055UTA | From Dreamer to DACAmented: Understanding the Educational Choices of Undocumented Immigrants in Texas | Dream | UC Berkeley | 6.9.2015 |
38 | 056UTA | Evaluating the Texas Regional Collaboratives for Excellence in Science & Math Teaching | TRC | Texas State & UT Austin | 6.9.15 |
39 | 057UTA | Accelerating Success - A Multi-College Investigation of the New Mathways Project | Mathways | UT Austin - Dana Center | 9.15.15 |
40 | 058UTA | Returns to Two-Year Degrees and Certificates in Texas | Dissertation - Hamrock | UT Austin | 9.15.2015 |
41 | 059UTA | Affirmative Action and Student Effort | AffAction | Harvard Univ & U of Toronto | 12.15.15 |
42 | 060UTA | Research & Evaluation in Support of The Blueprint for Educational Change: The Central Texas Region's Strategic Plan for Education | E3A | E3 Alliance | 12.15.15 |
43 | 061UTA | College Costs and Educational Choices of Undocumented Immigrants in Texas | UndImm | UT Austin - Economics | 12.15.2015 |
44 | 062UTA | Where Do I Stand? The Importance of prior class ranking on life outcomes. | Rank | UT Austin - Economics | 12.15.15 |
45 | 063UTA | Texas Hispanic STEM: Advanced Course Supply and Enrollment | ACSE | SEDL/AIR | 12.15.2015 |
46 | --- | UT-HB 18: School Counselor Project - OnCourse | HB18 | UT Austin - Legislative Directive HB-18 | N/A Directive |
47 | 064UTA | Correlational Study of Teachers Assigned to Teach English Learner Students in HISD | REL-SW | AIR (American Institute for Research) | 3.9.2016 |
48 | 065UTA | Access to Instructional Resources in the State of Texas: New Insights to an Old Problem | Instruction | UTEP | 3.9.16 |
50 | --- | Exploratory Study of the UTeach STEM Preparation Program and the Effectiveness of UTeach Teachers -TEA request | UTeachSTEM | AIR (American Institute for Research) | 8.13.15 |
52 | 068UTA | Teach for America: Study of Teacher Retention and Mobility in Texas | TFA | SEDL/AIR | 6.7.2016 |
53 | 069UTA | Bexar County Pathways Analysis: A longitudinal study linking education to workforce outcomes | Bexar Pathways | UT Austin - LBJ School | 6.7.16 |
54 | 067UTA | Trends in the identification and provision of services to gifted and talented English learner students in Texas | ELL | AIR (American Institute for Research) | 6.7.2016 |
56 | 072UTA | Descriptive Study of Teacher Supply, Demand, and Mobility in Texas | Teacher Supply | AIR (American Institute for Research) | 9.13.2016 |
57 | 073UTA | Collection and Analysis of Statewide Data Related to Postsecondary Transition, Mathematics Performance, Student Transfer Outcomes, Rural Student Academic Performance, and Workforce Placement | GTF | Greater Texas Gibson/AIR | 9.13.2016 |
58 | 074UTA | The Community College STEM Pathway: A Study of Women in Engineering and Computer Science | WECS | Society of Women Engineers | 9.13.2016 |
60 | 077UTA | Evaluation of Texas Regional STEM Degree accelerator Implementation 2015-2018 For Educate Texas | STEM DAI | Gibson/AIR | 12.8.16 |
62 | 079UTA | Understanding College Student Responses to Economic Shocks | Shocks | UC Irvine | 12.8.16 |
63 | 080UTA | The Effects of Texas Fitness Now on Student Health and Achievement | Fitness | Texas A&M | 12.8.16 |
64 | --- | Identifying Antecedents of College Enrollment and Completion | Minor | UT Austin - Legislative Directive HB-18 | N/A Directive |
65 | --- | The Effects of Dual-Credit On Postsecondary Student Outcomes | Villarreal | UTSA | N/A Directive |
66 | --- | When Average is Not Enough: Examining the Variation in the Influences on Undergraduate Debt | Baker | UT Austin - Legislative Directive HB-18 | N/A Directive |
67 | --- | High School Course Completion Patterns and Pathways in Texas: Linkages to College Attendance, Graduation, and Employment in STEM Fields | Chan | UT Austin - Legislative Directive HB-18 | N/A Directive |
68 | --- | Mathematics Course Trajectories | Hanselman | UT Austin - Legislative Directive HB-18 | N/A Directive |
69 | --- | The Transition to High School: Implications for Educational Success in High School and College | Benner | UT Austin - Legislative Directive HB-18 | N/A Directive |
70 | --- | Whether, For Whom, and Under What Conditions Inclusive STEM High Schools Influence Student Outcomes? | Saw | UT Austin - Legislative Directive HB-18 | N/A Directive |
71 | --- | The Influence of Student and School Characteristics on Advanced Mathematics Course Completion, College Entry, Degree Attainment, and Entry into STEM Fields | Entry STEM | UT Austin - Legislative Directive HB-18 | N/A Directive |
72 | --- | Pathways to Academic and Career Success: Understanding Texas High School Students Choice of Endorsements | Endorse 1 | UT Austin - Legislative Directive HB-18 | N/A Directive |
74 | --- | TEA Physical Fitness Assessment Data Analysis Project: A Study on the Individual Physical Fitness Results collected from FitnessGram 10 | TEA FitnessGram | Gibson | N/A Directive |
75 | --- | target="_blank">Year 3 evaluations of Texas House Bill 5 (HB 5)legislation that changed the Texas high school graduation requirements | HB5 Evaluation | AIR/TEA | N/A Directive |
76 | 081UTA | Analysis of the Impact of School Closure Policies in Texas | Closure Impact | AIR | 3.9.17 |
77 | 082UTA | Impact Study of Public Pre-Kindergarten on Primary, Secondary, and Postsecondary Student Outcomes | PublicPreK | UT Austin - LBJ Ray Marshall Center | 3.9.17 |
79 | 084UTA | Early Leading Indicators of Student Success | ELISS | UT Austin | 4.11.17 |
80 | 085UTA | A Study of All-Girls Secondary Schools Supported by the Young Women's Preparatory Network in Eight Texas School Districts | YWPN | UT Austin | 6.15.17 |
81 | 086UTA | Evaluating the Transition to College Mathematics Course in Texas High Schools | TCMC | UT Austin | 6.15.17 |
83 | 088UTA | The Ecological Context of Work Support Interventions in Early Childhood: Implications for Human Capital Development Over Two Generations | Eco Work Support | UT (student) | 9.21.17 |
84 | 089UTA | Investigation of STEM Course-Taking Patterns and College Readiness as a result of HB5 of 2013 | STEMHB5 | UT Austin (Uteach/CNS) | 9.21.17 |
85 | 091UTA | Proposal to Investigate Teacher Preparation Pathway and Course Offering in Public Charter and Traditional Public Schools | TPPCO | UT Austin | |
86 | 093UTA | Educational Profile of Central Texas | Profile | E3 Alliance | 12.14.17 |
87 | 094UTA | Examining the Educational and Employment Outcomes of Reverse Credit Transfer | Reverse Transfer II | UT Austin | 12.14.17 |
90 | 097UTA | Evaluating Hypotheses to Maximize Success for Special Populations of Early Learners | SPEL | E3 Alliance | 3.8.18 |
91 | 098UTA | Proposaal to Investigate the Influences on Educator Effectiveness in Teacher and School Leader Incentive Fund (TSL) Campuses | TSL-TXCEE | UT & TXCEE | 3.8.18 |
93 | --- | Statewide Evaluation of Career and Technology Education Programs in TX | TEA-CTE | SRI International & Gibson | 4.27.18 |
94 | 101UTA | Developmental Education: Catch the Next College Access Ascender Program | Catch the Next (CTN) | UT Austin | 6.7.18 |
95 | 102UTA | Flows into the STEM Pipeline | STEM Pipeline | UT Austin | 6.7.18 |
96 | 104UTA | OnRamps to Success? Examining the Impact of OnRamps Participation and Performance on Longitudinal Postsecondary Outcomes | OnRamps II | UT Austin | 6.7.18 |
98 | 106UTA | Retention and Mobility Patterns for Teachers of Color in Texas: Examining How Patterns Vary by Teacher and Campus Characteristics | TRM | UT Austin | 9.6.18 |
99 | 107UTA | Fracking Boom and Human Capital Investment: Evidence from Texas | Fracking | UT Austin | |
100 | 108UTA | Examining the Predictors of Children’s School Suspension and Expulsion | Suspension | UT Austin & Brown Univ | 9.6.18 |
101 | 109UTA | Entry and Progress of Students with Disabilities in Texas Colleges | Disabilities | Gibson & AIR | 9.6.18 |
102 | 110UTA | Impact of Tech Teach Graduates on Student Achievement | Tech Teach | Texas Tech | 12.5.18 |
102 | 110UTA | Impact of Tech Teach Graduates on Student Achievement | Tech Teach | Texas Tech | 12.5.18 |
103 | 112UTA | Evaluating Post-High School Transition Supports in Central Texas | Transition Supports | UT Austin | |
108 | 117UTA | Examining the Enrollment of Homeless Youth in Higher Education | Homeless | UT ELP DISSERTATION | 3.7.19 |
109 | 118UTA | Understanding the Efficacy of Policies to Improve College Access | Top10Access | UT Austin | 3.7.19 |
111 | 119UTA | Effects of Exposure to Traumatic Events | Trauma | UT Economics | 6.6.19 |
113 | 121UTA | Climbing the Job Ladder with Student Debt | Ladder | UT (Economics student) Dissertation | 6.6.19 |
114 | 122UTA | Disability, Instructional Setting and Students’ Outcomes | Setting | UT (Economics student) Dissertation | 6.6.19 |
116 | 124UTA | State-Supported Financial Aid Impact on Baccalaureate Degree Completion in Texas | Impact | UT ELP DISSERTATION | 6.6.19 |
117 | 126UTA | Impact Study of Adult Career and Technical Education on Postsecondary Education and Career Outcomes | ACTE | UTSA | 9.5.19 |
121 | 130UTA | School Performance and Student Enrollment Changes Among Texas Schools Targeted for Strategic Actions | SPASE | AIR | 9.5.19 |
122 | 131UTA | Teacher Retention, Mobility and Attrition in Texas | Retention | UT Austin ELP/COE | 9.5.19 |
123 | 132UTA | Student Outcomes in Texas Related to Teacher Preparation Policy | Outcomes | UT Austin ELP/COE | 9.5.19 |
125 | 134UTA | Linguistic Status and College-Going: Examining Ever-EL Students' Postsecondary Preparation, Enrollment, and Outcomes | Ever-EL | UT Austin ELP/COE | |
126 | 135UTA | Retrospective QED Impact Studies of International Center for Leadership in Education (ICLE) and Math Solutions Professional Development | ICLE | SRI International | 12.5.19 |
128 | 137UTA | Beyond City Limits: Does Attending a Rural Public High School in TX Predict College Matriculation, Institutional Choice, and Graduation Outcomes? | Rural | UT ELP DISSERTATION | 12.5.19 |
129 | 138UTA | The Short and Long Run Impacts of Same-Race Teachers: The Case of Latinx Students in TX | Latinx | rban Institute & UNC Chapel Hill | 12.5.19 |
131 | 140UTA | The Impact of Noise Pollution on Educational Outcomes | Noise | UT (Economics student) Dissertation | |
134 | 144UTA | Short- and Long-Term Effects of Disability Payments: Evidence from the Supplemental Security Income Children | SSI | UT (Economics student) Dissertation | 6.4.20 |
135 | 145UTA | Suspension, Expulsion, and Alternatives to Removal in Texas School Discipline | Removal | UT (Economics student) Dissertation | 6.4.20 |
136 | --- | An Evaluation of Texas’s Graduation Requirements under HB5 on Student Outcomes | HB5Grad | AIR | 6.4.20 |
137 | --- | Study on Alternative Career Readiness Measures for Small and Rural Districts | AltCareer | AIR/Gibson | 7.15.20 |
141 | 148UTA | Industry-based Certifications and Students’ Postsecondary Education and Employment Outcomes | Certifications | UT Austin | 12.10.20 |
145 | 153UTA | OnRamps and the Teacher Labor Force | OnRamps Teacher | UT Austin | 6.10.21 |
146 | 154UTA | Analysis of the Impact of the Lone Star STEM Project in Texas | Lone Star | AIR / SEDL | 6.10.21 |
148 | 148UTA | Dana Center Mathematics Pathways (DCMP): Long-Term Follow-Up Study of an Effective Developmental Math Reform | DCMP | MDRC & Dana Center | 6.10.21 |
149 | 157UTA | CAPR | MDRC & CAPR | 6.10.21 | |
150 | 158UTA | Pathways to Educational Success: Using Integrated Data to Improve Educational Outcomes for Students with a History of Foster Care | Pathways | UTSA | 6.10.21 |
151 | 159UTA | Early Progress and Outputs of a Grow Your Own Teachers Program for High School Students and Paraprofessionals in Texas | GYOT | AIR & Empirical Education | 6.10.21 |
152 | 160UTA | Non-Achievement-Based Indicators of School Performance in Texas | NABI | USC AIR/Gibson | 6.10.21 |
153 | 161UTA | English Language Proficiency in Texas before and during the COVID-19 Pandemic | CovidELP | AIR/Gibson | 6.10.21 |
154 | 162UTA | The Short-term and Long-term Impact of Higher Education Faculty | IHEF | Harvard | 6.10.21 |
156 | 164UTA | Short- and Long-Term Impacts of Neighborhood Revitalization on Student Outcomes | Neighborhood | UT (Economics student) Dissertation | 6.10.21 |
157 | 165UTA | Course Withdrawal and Student Success | Withdrawal | UT Austin ELP/COE (Student dissertation) | 6.10.21 |
167 | 167UTA | The Social Contexts of Race and Ethnic Matching of Black and Latinx Students to Latinx Teachers | Matching | UT ELP Dissertation | |
169 | 169UTA | Evaluation of the Texas Center for Educator Excellence’s Teacher and School Leader Incentive Program | TSLIP | AIR | 9.16.21 |
170 | 170UTA | Effects of Pension Reforms to the Teacher Retirement System of Texas on School Stakeholders | Pension | UT (Economics student) Dissertation | 9.16.21 |
172 | 172UTA | Selling College: The Effect of Advertising on Enrollment Choices and Student Outcomes | Advertising | University of Wisconsin Madison (dissertation) | |
173 | 173UTA | Assessing Effects of the STAAR MASTER Products Using Quasi-Experimental Methods | STAAR | AIR | 12.14.21 |
180 | 180UTA | Effects of Local Population Turnover on Texas School Bonds and Local Communities | Population | UT McCombs | 2.10.22 |
189 | 189UTA | How Do Charter Schools Impact Outcomes for English Learners? | CharterELL | University of Oklahoma | 6.9.22 |
195 | 195UTA | Early Success After High School | Early | UTSA | 6.9.22 |
196 | 196UTA | Sub-Associate Workforce Education: Advancing Economic Mobility or Effectively Maintaining Inequality? | Workforce | UT ELP | 6.9.22 |
217 | 217UTA | A Longitudinal Examination of Texas Students' Course-Taking Patterns in High School and Educational and Career Pathways | Patterns | UT San Antonio | 6.15.23 |
21-03 | DIR-21-03 | Study and Evaluation of Texas Transfer Grants | TTGrants | MDRC |