Other Publications Publication/Article Title & Author(s)Year THE TEXAS PRINCIPAL WORKFORCE REPORT: A 12-year Analysis of Principal Leadership By David E. DeMatthews, Alexandra Aylward, Andrew Pendola, Torri D. Hart, David Knight, Pedro Reyes2024 Impact Findings from the Dana Center Mathematics Pathways Long-Term Follow-Up Study By Susan Sepanik2023 Dana Center Mathematics Pathways Long-Term Follow-Up Cost Analysis By Dan Cullinan2023 Long-Term Effects of the Dana Center Math Pathways Model: Evidence from a Randomized Trial By Susan Sepanik, Sukanaya Barman2023 Untapped Talent: An 11-year Analysis of the Texas Superintendent Workforce (2010-11 to 2020-21) By David E. DeMatthews, Alexandra Aylward, David Knight, Dr. Pedro Reyes2023 Ignite Change: Forging A Future For Texas Education By Transforming Systems By E3 Alliance2023 Trauma at School: The Impacts of Shootings On Students' Human Capital and Economic Outcomes By Marika Cabral, Bokyung Kim, Maya Rossin-Slater, Molly Schnell, Hannes Schwandt2022 Patterns, Determinants, and Consequences of Ability Tracking: Evidence from Texas Public Schools By Kate Antonovics, Sandra E. Black, Julie Berry Cullen & Akiva Yonah Meiselman2022 How Attaining Industry-Recognized Credentials in High School Shapes Education and Employment Outcomes By Matt Giani, Ph.D.2022 The effect of lead from drinking water on long-run educational outcomes By Jiameng Zheng2022 Student-School Leader Racial/Ethnic Match, Geography, and Student Disciplinary Outcomes By Wesley Edwards, Ph.D. (corresponding author), Rachel Boggs, M.Ed., Pedro Reyes, Ph.D.2021 Novice Principal Burnout: Exploring Secondary Trauma, Working Conditions, and Coping Strategies in an Urban District By David E. DeMatthews, Pedro Reyes, Paul Carrola, Wesley Edwards, Lebon James2021 Trauma At School: The Impacts Of Shootings On Students' Human Capital And Economic Outcomes By Marika Cabral, Bokyung Kim, Maya Rossin-Slater, Molly Schnell, and Hannes Schwandt2020 College Enrollment and Completion among High School Graduates with a Disability in Texas2020 High School Role Models and Minority College Achievement By Scott Delhommer2019 Early Indicators of Student Success: A Multi-State Analysis The effects of physical education on student fitness, achievement, and behavior By Analisa Packham, Brittany Street2019 Expanding STEM opportunities through inclusive STEM-focused high schools By Barbara Means, Haiwen Wang, Xin Wei, Sharon Lynch, Vanessa Peters, Viki Young, Carrie Allen2019 Broadening Participation in STEM College Majors: Effects of Attending a STEM-Focused High School By Barbara Means, Haiwen Wang, Xin Wei, Emi Iwatani, Vanessa Peters2019 Early Outcomes of Texas Community College Students Enrolled in Dana Center Mathematics Pathways Prerequisite Developmental Courses By Lauren Schudde and Akiva Yonah Meiselman2019 Who is the Modern CTE Student: A Descriptive Portrait of Career and Technical Education Students in Texas By Matt Giani2019 Longitudinal Predictions Using Regression-Corrected Grouping to Reduce Regression to the Mean By Sarah Stephens and Michael Marder2018 Math and Science Outcomes for Students of Teachers from Standard and Alternative Pathways in Texas By Michael Marder2018 Data Sharing Governance and Management By Working Group Participants2018 Diversifying Stem: Student Success and Community College Transfer in Engineering and Computer Science in Texas By Roberta M. Rincon2018 Does Vocational Education Still Imply Tracking? Examining the Evolution of Career and Technical Education Curricular Policy in Texas By Matt Giani2017 CTE in the Texas Rio Grande Valley- Annual Report By Jessica A. Brown, Ph.D., Peter Conforti, M.Ed., and Emily Park2017 Teach for America: Teacher Retention in Texas, Final Report By Ginger Stoker2017 Identification of Gifted and Talented English Learner Students in Grades K–5 In Texas: Lessons from Student-Level Data By Verónica Ruiz de Castilla & Diane August2017 Teacher Certification and Academic Growth for English Learner Students In Houston Independent School District By Verónica Ruiz de Castilla2017 Rethinking Teacher Turnover in Texas: Longitudinal Measures of Instability in Schools By Jennifer Jellison Holme, Huriya Jabbar, Emily Germain, & John Dinning2017 Recommendations for Elementary Schools for Building Strong Math Pathways By E3 Alliance2017 CTE in the Texas Rio Grande Valley- J. Brown Dissertation Summary By Jessica A. Brown2016 Charter Schools and Labor Market Outcomes By Will S. Dobbie & Roland G. Fryer, Jr2016 Closing the Immigrant-Native Education Gap: The Effect of Tuition Equity Reform in Texas By Tomas Monarrez2016 Efficacy vs. Equity: What Happens When States Tinker with College Admissions in a Race-Blind Era? By Sandra Black, Kalena Cortes & Jane Lincove2016 Can Admissions Percent Plans Lead to Better Collegiate Fit for Minority Students? By Kalena Cortes & Jane Lincove2016 Academic Undermatching of High-Achieving Minority Students: Evidence from “Race-Neutral” and Holistic Admissions Policies By Sandra Black, Kalena Cortes & Jane Lincove2016 Match or Mismatch? Automatic Admissions and College Preferences of Low- and High-Income Students By Kalena Cortes & Jane Lincove2016 Apply Yourself: Racial and Ethnic Differences in College Application Behavior By Sandra Black, Kalena Cortes & Jane Lincove2015 Overview of Research Activity at Education Research Centers2015 The Effects of Institutional Inputs on Time to Degree for Traditional and Non-traditional College Students By Jenna Cullinane & Jane Lincove2014 Project Lead the Way Students More Prepared for Higher Education By James Van Overschelde2013 Postsecondary Access, Persistence, and Completion of Houston-Area Youth By Celeste Alexander, Matt Giani & Pedro Reyes2012 Identifying Personal and Contextual Factors that Contribute to Attrition Rates for Texas Public School Teachers By Lorena Claeys, Belinda Flores, Daniel Sass & Bertha Pérez2012 Educational Research Centers: The Promise of Sound Research By Matt Giani2011 Postsecondary Access, Persistence, and Completion of Houston-Area Youth" Executive Summary By Celeste Alexander, Matt Giani & Pedro Reyes2011 Examining Differential Outcome Trajectories of Similarly Qualified Latino Students Beginning Postsecondary Education at Community Colleges versus Less-Selective Four-Year Universities By Amaury Nora & Catherine Horn2011 Teacher Academy Induction Learning Community: Guiding Teachers Through Their Zone of Proximal Development By Lorena Claeys, Belinda Flores, Claudia Garcia & Aracelia Hernandez2011 Affirming Consciousness within Learning Communities By Lorena Claeys, Belinda Flores, Claudia Garcia, Aracelia Hernandez & Rosa Sheets2011 Immigrant DREAMs: English Learners, the Texas 10% Admissions Plan, and College Academic Success By Julian Vasquez Heilig, Cristobal Rodriguez & Patricia Somers2011 Recommended Educational Practices for Standard English Learners Executive Summary By Cheryl Wilkinson, Jeremy Miciak, Celeste Alexander, Pedro Reyes, Jessica Brown & Matt Giani2011 Understanding the Interaction Between High-Stakes Graduation Tests and English Learners By Julian Vasquez Heilig2011 Do Principal Preparation Programs Influence Student Achievement Through the Building of Teacher-Team Qualifications by the Principal? An Exploratory Analysis By Ed Fuller, Michelle Young & Bruce Baker2011 Student Success and Postsecondary Transition of Houston Area Youth By Pedro Reyes & Celeste Alexander2010 Reforming Preparation Programs for Leadership Improvement: The Case of Texas By Elizabeth Ramalho, June Byng, Encarnacion Garza & David Thompson2010 BIG Sci Project: Bridging the Gap in Science for Latino Students By James Barufaldi2010 Data Use in Title I Schools By Jeffrey Wayman & Kerry Moll2009 The Geographic and Demographic Challenges to the Regional Institutionalization of the Texas Lower Rio Grande Valley By Baltazar Acevedo Jr. 2009 Internal Evaluation Report 2009, UTeach Engineering By Pedro Reyes & Celeste Alexander 2009